Problem: MySpace struggled with an overly complex, user-customized interface, resulting in decreased user engagement and competitive disadvantage in the social media market.

Company: Myspace
My role
: VP, UX & Design
Location: Beverly Hills, California
When: 2010


In 2010, I led MySpace's redesign to transform it into an entertainment-centric platform, capitalizing on our strengths in music and entertainment. We modernized the user interface, integrated more seamlessly with networks like Facebook and Twitter, and boosted our music and media features. Our goal was to attract a niche audience passionate about entertainment, carving out our distinct space in the social media world. We also redefined our advertising model to align more with the entertainment sector.


I focused on revamping MySpace's user interface and experience, aiming to reposition us as a social media leader with a strong entertainment focus. We needed to significantly update our platform to stay competitive. We spearheaded the development of a cleaner, more intuitive design to engage music and entertainment fans. The redesign streamlined the layout, improved navigation, and introduced features highlighting our music and multimedia strengths. My user-centric approach ensured these changes boosted community usability and engagement. Reinventing an iconic platform like MySpace was both challenging and exhilarating, as I balanced innovation with maintaining the essence that made it a cherished space for artists and fans.


“Our new strategy expands on MySpace's existing strengths -- a deep understanding of social, a wealth of entertainment content, and the ability to surface emerging cultural trends in real-time through our users."
- Mike Jones, Myspace President


The outcome of MySpace's 2010 redesign ultimately did not lead to a significant revival of the platform. Despite the redesign focusing on entertainment and improving user experience, MySpace continued to face declining user engagement and stiff competition from other social networks like Facebook and Twitter.

In 2011, MySpace was sold to Specific Media, a digital advertising company, and Justin Timberlake, the singer and actor, who took an ownership stake. This sale marked another shift in MySpace's strategy, with Timberlake's involvement aimed at rejuvenating the platform's focus on music and entertainment, particularly promoting it as a space for artists to share their work and connect with fans.

The 2011 sale of MySpace to Specific Media and Justin Timberlake, despite efforts to rebrand it as a music and entertainment hub, failed to significantly revive the platform's popularity or user base, leaving it overshadowed by more dominant social media networks.

MySpace was sold for $35 million in 2011 to Specific Media and Justin Timberlake.

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